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Ritual Mesesangi to offer Guling Offering in Bali

Bali has a wide range of ritual beliefs inherited from generation to the generation into a custom or habit of us in addressing an event at the largest until the smallest. In fields such property, there is usually any rock shrines which is called Pelinggih Tugun Karang, which is where the owner to expressed their gratitude to the God for the crops that have been given. There are shrines at each field location in Bali which is believed to maintain any obstruction that causes disruption to the crops.

If in China any Hongsui believed, in Bali any Asta Kosala-Kosali. The layout, position and treatment of Pelinggih Tugun Karang effect to the owner of the land. This is a story of how the ritual or ceremony mesesangi until done, which is the Balinese belief in general. I did not tell you to believe, I just wanted to tell you about the culture, beliefs and customs of the Balinese that very unique here.

This is an area of ​​rice fields were worked by tenant farmers do not own it. At one time, the area planted with grape fruit in some period of the time. At the time of planting grape, and of course need a place, there is a wood and wire that is used as a growing grape untill produce fresh fruit. So the wire where these grape plants blocking the rock shrines, pelinggih tugun karang reefs across this field. So what happened during that time was the owner of the field was a sickly, back home the hospital until his family dizziness.

By the time the owner when he was in hospital, promised that if he had recovered from his illness will throw every obstacle that cover these shrines. Over time the grape plants eventually replaced with rice again. Finally the owner completely recovered from his illness, and promised in the hearts will give pig offering (Guling) as an offering to beg forgiveness for mistakes because it has ignored these shrines during that time.

So therefore, the whole family and closely follow the process mesesangi ritual of father for any healing that has been given and give offer Guling as the embodiment of an apology and a promise that has ever been talked in the heart during the period of suffering in the hospital. It is a form of beliefs and customs of the Balinese in dealing with an event. True or not this is a Balinese belief we should not touched the opinion with the logical.

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